

[PUISI] Kenangan Senja

Kira-kira, tiap kenangan datang tak diundang, ada citra bergelayut kabut jingga
Kemudian kita yang lesehan, yang duduk, yang berpelukan, bertatapan, berpagut
Bercerita sajak kanak-kanak, hingga lupa detik-detik buta
Hujan ikut bernyanyi dan merangkum melodi
Melodi-melodi haru aku rindu
Lalu kedua rona bibir akan seiring dengan imaji
dan hati akan penuh dengan tawa atau dera

Kira-kira, tiap kenangan datang tak diundang, serupa kereta kencana tua
tertutup dedaunan dan seserpihan
Kemudian aku datang, mengorek daun-daun, mengorek debu-debu
Burung-burung ikut menari dan merangkum harmoni
Harmoni-harmoni biru aku candu
Lalu kudengarkan lagu
Melodi harmoni rindu berpadu dan menyisakan tanda tanya satu
Adakah aku di semak kencanamu?

Jurangmangu, 12 Maret 2013


This is Your Life

I found this when I randomly surfed the internet tonight. Very cool & true.

This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don't like something, change it.
If you don't like your job, quit.
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful when you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Life is simple.
Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them.
So go out and start creating.
Life is short.
Live your dream and share your passion.

See the original quotes from Holstee Manifesto Decal here.


Busy Weekends Part #1

Last 2 weeks are my busy weekends. I've been interested in photography since I graduated from high-school, and finally I got a DSLR camera from my friend, Sandy! He lent me that expensive thing for 2 days & I was really happy about it. I wanted to gamble my luck by participating in photography competitions to get my own DSLR camera. I wanted to win the contest although I just knew how to use DSLR camera a day before I hunted these photos below haha.

Here are some ordinary photos from me, no edit, taken in my 2 days journey around Jakarta. I stubbornly didn't use "auto mode" although I am a noob. I have to learn photography more. Maybe in the next chance, when I am lent a digital camera (again), I also want to learn from the "auto mode" to make myself familiar with the camera.

Testing the camera. Water from a shower in my bathroom.
My first destination was Kampung Batik. I knew this place from my class-mate, Andita, who had visited this place before. I wanted to shoot how they make their own house as a canvas & draw batik on there.

Those guys were talking in front of their house. This photo was taken at Kampung Batik, Jakarta, a place where many batik artists live & they express their art on the wall.
Then, I went to the north. I went to old-town in Jakarta or also known as Kota Tua. I randomly went to this place, thought that maybe there would be many interesting objects to shoot.

Ondel-ondel at Kota Tua (Old-Town), Jakarta.

A kid blows a fire from his mouth to attract the visitors.

One of old buildings at Kota Tua, Jakarta.

Museum Fatahillah, Kota Tua.

A "Stone Man" entertains a visitor.

After I felt enough to take photographs from Kota Tua, I went to the norther side of Jakarta. I wanted to take a photo of sunset, & the nearest beach from there was Muara Angke. But, before I went there, I took this photo at Pluit Village haha.

A lake in front of Pluit Village Mall.
Muara Angke is not a place for holiday. It's tarnish & has fishy smell. But, I succeed to take these photos & grabbed a beautiful side from this harbor.

Sunset in Muara Angke.

Still Muara Angke

(to be continued.)

A Time Capsule

Well, it's been a while since I wrote my last post. Many things happened during those days, and currently, I've been busy to participate in many competitions to get money, haha. Since I'm not in the mood to write such things right now, I want to share an email from me in the past, a time capsule!

Dear Me (in the future),
Don't forget to do many good things to reach your dreams. Remember, one of things you can't take back is time. So, use it wisely. Cheer up!

Btw, you'll get an email from me near your graduation day. Make sure you are doing good when you receive it. :3 
See ya. ♥

You (in the past)

Right, that's my promise to myself. It's time to introspecting my own self. And remember, the furthest distance between two things is time. If I waste my time to do any unimportant things, I'll be left behind far away.